Janny's Podcast: Janeration

Episode 6: Intro to Season 2!

July 01, 2021 Janny Nguyễn Season 2 Episode 1
Janny's Podcast: Janeration
Episode 6: Intro to Season 2!
Show Notes Transcript

Welcome back y'all! 

This first episode will introduce new elements and topics for this next season! 
You'll also hear my first paid gig! Here's the link to the full video!

IG: @retroboogie

Hope you all enjoy this brief intro for season 2!


IG: @janeration.pod
FB: Facebook.com/janny.nguyen

Support the Show.

Season 2 Intro

Hi everyone! 

Welcome back to Janeration, with your host, Janny Nguyen!

I CAN’T believe I’m beginning the SECOND season of my podcast! 

Thank you so much for tuning in and joining me on my journey!

The first season of Janeration was ALL about sharing my personal hardships and experiences that shaped and molded who I am today.

I wanted to share my life story so that my listeners know who I really am.

I’ve shared my life stories before, but not on a platform like this.

Telling my story and being as transparent as I was throughout my first season actually increased my confidence--AND it made me more comfortable with the message I want to send to all my listeners throughout my podcast:


I think it's so important to identify and respect WHO you are.

Being aware of it enough; to fully LOVE yourself AND being proud of who or what you will become.

I say this because it actually took me a long time to do this.

I didn't understand what it meant to love myself, but as I reflect on all the events in my life, 

I wish that I could have been introduced to this concept sooner. 

Like, imagine being born, ready to face the world without the fear of feeling rejected.

Because you are PROUD of yourself, and know that you have your own back.

Imagine what it would be like if you had ALL the confidence and strength in the world, 

that no matter what you do or how things will result from it; that having absolute pride &

LOVING yourself would be enough to cure you from feeling any less than you deserve?

If we practiced how to give and receive love, can you imagine what the world would be like?

Maybe there would be world peace! 

Isn’t that what we all strive for? To feel LOVED and worthy? 

To feel like we can make a difference in this world?

And let’s be real, maybe there are some people in this world that cannot or do not want to save humanity or our [current] civilization, but maybe we can fix that.

It may be cheesy, but something as small as reading a positive affirmation or quote can inspire you to push through everyday battles; no matter how big or small the fight may be. 

So, let me be that source of inspiration for you.

Beginning this season, I will begin each episode with a positive affirmation.

I want to encourage my listeners to practice, and channel in ALL the love they desire. 

Because it’s true what they say; “what goes around, comes around”--that’s karma!

And the message behind that is, YOU REALLY need to take ACTION and go after it. 

Let me tell you why:

In season 1, I shared that I was raised Buddhist.

Here’s a little lesson for ya;

The ancient Buddhist language was Sanskrit. 

The word “karma” in sanskrit, means “action”

Meaning, ALL of your actions have consequences, whether they are positive or negative.

Therefore, UNDERSTAND that YOU are the primal source that determines your actions. 

When I realized this, I wanted to remind myself to always think twice about the actions I take because I understood that I would be manifesting my own life.

So, I got a tattoo of the word “karma” in sanskrit on the right side of my ribs as a constant reminder.

Now I’m not here to encourage you to get a tattoo, (LOL)

but I'm definitely here to push you to do whatever it takes to be PROUD and to LOVE yourself; wholeheartedly.

Bc I’m telling you, once you have this feeling, there isn’t much that can take this away from you!

I got this tattoo when I was in my early 20’s and it’s forced me to think TWICE about the actions I take.

Because let’s be honest here, we make A LOT of decisions in our 20’s and they aren’t always the best!

* rainstick*

I got a new rainstick!! 

I actually didn’t make this one; my sister Thuy, sent this to me as a gift for completing my first podcast season. I was so excited to play with it when it arrived! 

It’s a lot longer than the one I made, but the sound it gives off is more sultry and gives off more rain-sounding vibes! 

So another new thing for season 2 would be the new rainstick! I hope y’all enjoy the new tunes!

Anyways, ever since I was very young, I’ve always had a voice inside my head.

I even wondered at one point--am I the only one who does this; that thinks about their thoughts?

There’s always a little voice inside my head that tries to look at everything from both sides of the story, and I think it’s a skill that has helped me understand how to approach situations.

I tend to approach any problem like an equation. 

What variables can factor in creating something good and what can cause it to go bad?

It wasn’t until several years ago that the thoughts I had in my head were validated by someone I looked up to; an icon that I admire and respect. Maybe some of you are familiar with him, maybe not.

His name is Bob Proctor. He is a self-help author and philosopher. 

If you have ever heard of “The Secret”, he’s one of the speakers in the documentary.  

Anyhow, when I graduated from college, it took me a while to find a job. 

When I finally landed on one, I was approached by two of my old highschool friends that introduced me to network marketing.

While I was learning about the industry, doing a lot of self-development played a huge part in closing clients and becoming successful. You had to practice being confident to present yourself to clients--which is one of the hardest things to overcome, in my opinion. 

Even though I didn’t continue my business in network marketing, I’m glad I had the experience of learning ALL the skills and developed the business mindset I want and need for my future. 

So, to go back to how I felt validated by Bob Proctor, being a part of a network marketing team, 
I attended seminars where Bob Proctor would speak and raise our belief levels based on his teachings from his books. 

I can’t remember which seminar it was, but there was an opportunity to meet him and get his autograph! So, being super excited to meet him, I waited in the long line for my turn.

I remember him grabbing my notebook as he asked for my name. 

I remember responding with: 

“Hi! My name is Janny Nguyen! I just want to thank you for helping me realize that I have everything I need to be successful, I just have to be aware of it. It just really stuck to me, so thank you for making it a point”

After I spoke to him, he looked up at me, touched my hand and said something along the lines of:

“I can tell you think from both sides of the hemisphere; you have such a bright energy that vibrates! You will do well in management. Keep going”

My jaw dropped. Bob touched my hand, omg. I was totally shook.

I felt so lucky he spoke to me! 

I immediately felt incredibly validated, I felt like I was being blessed by the universe. 

All those times I had overflowing thoughts, opinions, questions, made sense; as in, I was just trying to make sense of everything, if that makes sense! LOL

I know this totally sounds like a fan-girl moment, but hey! Who wouldn’t be a fan of feeling good about yourself?

This was definitely a moment in my life that I’ll always cherish and never forget! 

That moment boosted my confidence and influenced me to constantly work on developing my skills and habits for success--which is why I want to share this experience with my listeners! 

Feeling validated and having positive thoughts and goals for yourself is so important in growing and learning how to empower yourself!

So why not start your day off (if you’re listening to my podcast, lol) with something positive? 

Daily affirmations are one of the simplest things you can do to lift your spirits and initiate an amazing day, so let’s just say one now:

“I am becoming the best version of myself.”

Saying positive affirmations daily and outloud really makes a difference in your self-confidence.

So write down your goals, repeat positive affirmations, and be proud of the person you’re becoming.


Alrighty, let’s talk about the topics for this next season!

In Season 1 I briefly mentioned discussing topics of my vietnamese heritage, mental and health wellness, spirituality, food.

But when I was trying to outline the structure of this season, I was struggling to see how each topic could ripple into the next episode.

So, I decided to look into WHO is listening to Janeration!

Turns out, the majority of my listeners are in the age group close to my age, which is 30.. 

And I am just NOW realizing I only have one more month until I’m 31! 

Dangit, this year flew by! Covid literally took up so much of this year! 

Anyways, I came to the conclusion that maybe it’ll be fun to talk about all the things you go through in your 30’s! 

There are so many differences and changes in growth from your 20’s to your 30’s! 

And hey, I know I barely have one year under my 30 belt, but that’s what’s fun about this!

So if there’s any suggestions, they are definitely welcome!

A few things I’d like to cover are:

Skincare and supplements routine

-If you get to know me, you’ll know that the one thing I love to invest in is skincare!

Health, wellness, fitness routine, vices we might lean on

-going over my current health, and what I’m doing to maintain it

Changes in diet, foods to avoid

-How I had to adjust it with vietnamese food, & spending

Relationships and how they have changed; family, friends, coworkers, significant other(s) 

I will be sharing my experiences with you all about how I’ve basically spent my first 30th year, but pertaining to the topics I just mentioned. 

I think I had a pretty eventful year, despite covid. 

There was time wasted on not being able to socialize how we normally do, but I got closer to my family and friends regardless of distance.

But also, I wanted to share with you all that I GOT MY FIRST PAID GIG!

A friend of mine reached out to me and gave me the opportunity to do a funny news-anchor voice-over bit for his podcast/IG. 

It was just a short, 15 second script, but it was the best first experience I could ask for!

I was pretty comfortable executing the voice-over bit because I know the client very well.

Imagine someone scrolling through their phone, hearing the news then going about their day.

My portion of the video was the news-anchor vocal that plays through the phone.

Here’s the little bit I did:

*playing sample from YY*

Wooooo that was me!!!!! 

If you would like to see the video, the link is in my notes for this episode!


In review,

Season 2 will be covering topics of things you might go through as you head into your 30’s.

I’ll begin each episode with a positive affirmation and 

you’ll be enjoying the sounds of the NEW rainstick! 

I’ll also END each episode with an oracle card reading AND the singing bowls bit like in season 1.

I hope you all are excited for season 2 of janeration!

But one more thing:

Last season, I attempted to post a new episode every week, 

but I quickly learned that it was difficult to do so when I have to also dedicate time for voice-over work, and juggle everyday duties.

Therefore, I will be posting new episodes every 10-14 days, leaning towards the end of the week.

I will usually announce when my next episodes will be posted as the dates get closer, 

so please make sure to follow my updates on IG and FB.

Okie dokieee, let’s begin the oracle card reading for this episode!

I’ll be using the same Chakra Insight Oracle Guidebook by Caryn Sangster

So, let’s clear our mind, relax our body. Take a deep breath *take a deep breath*

As I shuffle the cards, set an intention 

If you can, write it down to remind yourself of your intention.

Okay, here we go!


If you liked what you’ve heard so far, please make sure to visit my website at https://janeration.buzzsprout.com where you can follow and subscribe to my podcast!

Don’t forget to also follow me on IG under @janeration.pod 

OR on FB at www.facebook.com/janny.nguyen

Thank you again so much for listening in!

Stay tuned for next episode’s release date!

Talk to you all soon! 



BTW: Season 1’s final episode singing bowl sound was created with the throat chakra, so

For today’s episode, I will be using the third eye chakra singing bowl. 

Please remember to lower your volume or end this podcast to omit the singing bowl sound if it's not for you.


Here we go!

*singing bowl*