Janny's Podcast: Janeration

Episode 5: Overview & Brief Info for Season 2

June 03, 2021 Season 1 Episode 5
Janny's Podcast: Janeration
Episode 5: Overview & Brief Info for Season 2
Show Notes Transcript

Hey yall!

Today’s episode will be an overview of this first season and to briefly discuss topics and structure for the next season!

Another oracle card reading will be at the end of the episode!
So feel free to end the episode if these two parts of my podcast if its not for you. 

Cheers to the final episode of this season! 


IG: @janeration.pod
FB: facebook.com/janny.nguyen
AZLO Lashes: www.shopazlo.com

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EPISODE 5: Summary

Hi everyone! 

Welcome back to Janeration, with your host, Janny Nguyen!

I CAN’T believe I’m wrapping up the first season of my podcast! 

Thank you so much for tuning in and joining me on my journey--I am very grateful for you aLL! 

Today’s episode will be an overview of this first season and to briefly discuss topics and structure for the next season. 

Let’s get to it! *rainstick*


I introduced my rainstick transition music, and singing bowl sound byte for my show. 

I hope the volume and speed of these sound bytes were okay for each episode..

I realized that I should have warned my listeners in every single episode to lower their volume or give them a chance to omit the end.. I did make a disclaimer in the first episode, but not in EP 2 or 3.

Just as a reminder in case others did not want to listen..

So, I want to apologize to anyone who has/had any sensitivities to the singing bowl sound and will state a brief reminder at the end for every episode moving forward!

I’m also still playing around with my rainstick and testing out the speed, tone, and length of the rainsticks, but hey you learn as you go, right? 

And like I mentioned before, I want to document my progress and show that it’s okay to not know how to do everything perfectly… So I'll give myself a break :)

Anyhow, EPISODE 1 was pretty much about all the different types of jobs and career paths I encountered after graduating college.  

I figured out that I just have a knack for making people feel good about themselves;
whether it was through my line of work at my job or by simply
listening to my family and friends. 

The pandemic also hit us and forced me to consider another line of work, 

since most small businesses, [including mine] were being affected the most.. 

AZLO Lashes had a great run,

BUT we ALL know that when one door closes, another one opens!

Which is why I’m doing this podcast and beginning a new career in voice-over acting! 

I am finally investing my time and energy towards a career that I want and can somewhat control.

Doing this podcast, watching tutorials, taking online classes and workshops 

make me feel so incredibly fulfilled! 

It’s so exciting to look at scripts, be fascinated by animation vocals, and just noticing AND appreciating the work of a voice-over actor. 

AZLO Lashes is still up and running to wrap up sales by the end of this year, 
So holla at your sis if you need some cruelty-free and vegan lashes! 

OR just visit my store at shopazlo.com :)



I talk about my experiences as a full-time college student [at UCSB]; while battling a toxic relationship AND learned to live with my medical condition called, interstitial cystitis. 

Going through these experiences simultaneously was extremely overwhelming and I was struggling financially, physically, and emotionally.

I confided in my sister, Sam, and she agreed to help financially under one condition; 

Taking a 5-day self-development course, HOURS away from Santa Barbara, CA.

After taking that class, I built the strength to leave my abusive ex bf and finally broke-free from him. 

After a couple of months of loving/respecting myself, having support from my family & friends, 

I was finally able to embrace the college life and experience I always hoped for through re-building friendships, joining the polynesian dance club, Iaorana Te’ Otea and working with the sweetest little family as a babysitter.

However, in EPISODE 3:

My rejuvenated, new found glory was crushed when my family and I lost my sister, 

Sam after she gave birth to my niece, Athena just a few days after my 4th year of college. 

I also went through a really bad car accident; resulting in no car, stolen bike) and sprained knees. 

I was at the lowest point in my life and battled with depression and anxiety, 
but found a silver lining through going to my physical therapy sessions; 

I fell in love with the profession and graduated UCSB with the intent to pursue PT.

In addition, Sam’s godparents fell in love as they grew and took care of her children, and I was happy to share that I have been in a very healthy, loving relationship with my boyfriend, Jeff of 6.5 years!

Finally, EPISODE 4 was all about my childhood. 

It took some time to tap into the past and remember the pivotal moments in my childhood that shaped my livelihood and future, but I did it!

Everyone has crazy childhood memories, but I can’t believe I survived my asthma attack! 

And was bold enough to change the enunciation of my name at such a young age! 

BUT losing my dad was extremely difficult to endure and process. 

My family and I suffered tremendously, and were forced to grow up without a father. 

Therefore, my siblings and I continue to do whatever it takes to show our mom how much we love and appreciate her for taking on both parental roles throughout our lives. 

We strive to support each other and commit ourselves to create and honor our family legacy to make our parents and village hella proud. 


With that being said, when Sam’s kids had to grow up without their mom, my heart couldn’t take it. 

I was only 8 years old when I lost my dad and Sam’s eldest kid was only 8 years old when we lost her.

The pain and heartache I felt when I realized this, was too much to handle. 

The emotional toll I experienced as a child when I lost my dad was happening to Sam’s kids 
and I couldn’t believe it was happening again to my family. 

What’s weird about this too, is, Sam was with my father the day he passed away.. 
And oddly, she was the next person in our family we lost :(

There were so many times throughout my life where I heard my friends or relatives call out for their “ba” (dad in vietnamese). 

Whenever I would hear someone say “ba” or “daddy”, I would be sad, and jealous that mine was taken away from me.. And that I couldn’t even call out for him.

When I became an entrepreneur, I wanted to call Sam, Chi Trang and share the good news like when she used to call me and share updates about her work and family.. *sigh* I miss her voice so much :(

So remember and choose to be present with your family and/or loved ones. 

Tell them you love them more, send a text, ask for advice, or even seek guidance from them.

The simplest things can literally make someone’s day. 


In summary, 

There are various things that can happen to us, things we can’t control, things we do not like. 

My life was and IS filled with emotional roller coasters, life-changing events, loss, and pain. 

BUT it’s also filled with LOVE, compassion, purpose, & DRIVE to save the rest of my life! 

So fight for it! Be the martyr. Take control of your life and own it! Because no one else will!

I hope you all got to know who I am and who I have become from this season!

I think it's nice to get to know someone through stories and their background--it makes us human. 

Our actions, emotions, mentality towards the events that take place in our lives SHAPE and CAN manifest into our future--so, let’s try to live our BEST lives and create an unforgettable journey!

Speaking of which, I’d like to announce that my next season will be ready in about a month!

As you all know, I’m an aspiring voice-over actor and want to take the time to expand my skill set, 
take professional classes, and even try to audition for a few gigs.

My focus is animation, but I’m also open to narration for audio books and promo/commercials.

I am also taking time to maybe restructure my next season. 

My first season was structured to tell stories about different parts of my life so that my listeners can get to know MY background and life story.

So, I would like my second season to have guests to share their stories that pertain to the topic(s) OR 

Change the structure and focus the podcast with intent to practice meditation or maybe begin the episode with oracle card readings for all my super spiritual listeners out there :)

I would really like to do video podcasts and host guests when I am able to learn & get the equipment.

BUT until then, I just need to take some time to develop better recording techniques and practice my craft. 

When I was beginning my podcast I had the epiphany that this podcast can serve as a time-capsule!

My future family, and everyone who has known me can listen to this podcast and remember me! 

They’ll hear my silly laugh and energy through it all and maybe even make fun of me; 

but this makes me content.

ALL of this work and documenting this journey now is worth leaving “treasure” for my future “JANERATIONS” to come! ;)


Alrighty that pretty much sums up season 1 of Janeration!

Before I do my lil outro and end this episode, let’s do one more oracle card reading!

So, let’s clear our mind, take a deep breath, and relax our body. *take a deep breath*

As I shuffle the cards, think of an intention or question 

If you can, write it down to remind yourself of your intention.

After I pick an oracle card from the deck, 

I’ll read the card and allow you to reflect on what it means to you!

Okay, here we go!

I hope you have your intentions ready for this reading!! Here I go shuffling the cards!


How do you feel about the card?

If there were any connections to your intention,

Please let me know by commenting on the post for the podcast on my IG or FB page!

If you liked what you’ve heard so far, please make sure to visit my website at https://janeration.buzzsprout.com where you can follow and subscribe to my podcast!

Don’t forget to also follow me on IG under @janeration.pod 

OR on FB at www.facebook.com/janny.nguyen

Thank you again so much for listening in!

Stay tuned for next season’s release date in July! 

Hope you all enjoy the month of June! I’ll miss you all!

Talk to you all soon! 



BTW: Episode 4’s singing bowl sound was created with the heart chakra,

For today’s episode, I will be using the throat chakra singing bowl. 

Please remember to lower your volume or end this podcast to omit singing bowl sound if its not for you.


Here we go!

*singing bowl*